Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Around The World


We took a short trip to Mexico some weeks ago, flying with Delta Airlines and staying at the Plaza Suites in Mexico City.  Then after doing some research we decided that staying in Mexico City probably wasn't the best idea seeing as it is one of the most polluted cities in the world. 
Mexican books and movies were a little hard to come by, so we made do with a screening of The Three Amigos and a taco night at home.
The girls also made some mexican paper dolls, did a Mexican Symbols word search and learned about the flag's very complicated symbols of an eagle eating a rattlesnake while standing with its left claw upon a nopal cactus, with a half circle of green oak on the left (strength) and laurel branches on the right (victory).  All this is from an Aztec legend in which the god Huitzilopochtli described to his people where they would find their promised land. And they did find it, exactly as he described. They named their home Tenochtitlan ("Place of the Nopal Cactus").  It is now Mexico City.

Our next stop is R's choice - Botswana.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Fall of Dasamuka

On June 8th 2012 Permai is proud to present a Wayang Kulit of  'The Fall of Dasamuka', an episode from The Ramayana.  Here's the flyer:

We've been practising hard. It's going to be a great event!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Heron Island part two

The pool. The girls spent the entire first four days in the pool, only coming out to eat.

R's swimming improved immensely!

Golden Plover

The Harbour and wreck of H.M.C.S Protector. After service in the Chinese Boxer Rebellion and both World Wars, she was damaged in 1943 by a tow boat.  In 1945 she was brought to Heron Island to become a breakwater.
the ubiquitous Black Noddies. Their white heads act as a sunhat so they don't overheat.

a Buff Banded Rail helping itself to H's hot chocolate

assorted rays in the shallow waters of Shark Bay

in the semi submersible boat

our friend Puffy  the seagull chick

in the national park

Shark Bay
the trail left by a female Green Turtle after laying her eggs

turtle egg shell

faint traces of baby turtle tracks

heron aka Eastern Reef Egret

Wedgetailed Shearwaters

giant chess

grey Heron

a New Caledonian Sea Star
on the beach at night, waiting for turtle hatchlings

Blue Linkia Sea Star

a Bommie. These grow one centimetre a year, so this one we estimated to be 200 years old.

viewed through a reef viewer


sea hare. A mollusc that grazes on algae
cheeky snail peeking out. can you see it's two eyes?

Staghorn coral

the fine tentacles of a Spaghetti worm draped over the coral

this brain coral was the butt of many jokes.
H volunteered to be a male turtle during a talk by the founder of the Sea Turtle Foundation.

since we didn't get a real photo of a turtle hatchling, this is one from the turtle talk.

a successful easter egg hunt on our last day

getting ready to leave

hanging out in Baillies Bar

scenes from a mural in the bar

another friendly silver gull nesting under our front door. This one is called Sweetie.

Black Noddy

The Gantry. Great snorkelling here at high tide

from the window of our return launch to Gladstone

the marina at Gladstone
saw this at the Gladstone Art Gallery

one painting was made into a giant magnetic puzzle

all finished!  Hmmm, doesn't  look quite right...