Here's a short movie I made of her talking us through our home.
After a trip to Kryal Castle recently both girls have been designing their own Minecraft castles. They are also working on rollercoasters, hotels, restaurants and farms.
After many months of searching for a healthier Nutella substitute recipe and many failed experiments with said recipes I have finally found a winner! And I made it up on my own out of sheer exasperation. It should have known it would be easy but as usual I got sucked in by all the flashy looking blogs and websites out there showing off their beautifully presented superfood laden creations with all natural, organic, gluten/dairy/sugar/everything else - free ingredients. I love spending time sifting through all those blogs getting wonderful ideas but sometimes the pictures are so intimidating and the instructions are so complex that it's easy to forget that I can just do it myself without a professional camera, lengthy explanations and pretentious looking Mason Jars.
So this is my recipe:
150g packet of hazelnuts
175g dark choc bits (I used Coles' Homebrand ones)
a slurp of oil. I used Rice Bran Oil as it's what I have in the cupboard and I didn't think extra virgin olive oil would taste right.
Throw it all into Vera the Vitamix who will kindly grind it all up into a lovely dark chocolately paste.
Moomintroll is happy with her chocolate sandwiches now and that's all that matters to me.