Saturday, June 14, 2014


It's June already and winter is here at last. What better time for a new Brian St Learning Centre Learning Plan?  Winter is not my favourite time of year - it seems to bring out the worst in us - it's dark alot of the time, sometimes the sun barely breaks though the clouds, we're feeling lazy and unmotivated. All we want to do is sit in front of the heater, look at iPods and computers and eat all day long.  And we've all been sick. Blecchh!  
Well, as the saying goes "A change is as good as a holiday", so we've ditched the Table Time, the workbooks and the maths stuff and replaced it with MuBoMaStu:  Music, Books, Making Stuff.
The girls and I have spent most or our days playing piano, cornet and drums, reading books for the annual home ed readathon, and making things with our needles, hooks and rainbow looms.
Our first project was to yarn bomb the letterbox:

Ok, so I did do most of the crochet and knitting, but the girls helped dress the letterbox and the Snork Maiden crocheted alot of the metres of chain needed to wrap the curly metal bits. Plans are afoot for more yarnbombing.
Getting everyone reading again is proving difficult. I'm not sure why but it's like they've forgotten how or that they are out of practice. Signing up for the readathon has helped a little with motivation, and read alouds are a favourite once again.
We've also been watching alot of classic movies and docos which is a lovely way to while away a rainy afternoon. We started the BBC's The Human Body series  and  I plan to make Mondays 'Campfire Day' where we will watch and (hopefully) discuss a range of thoughtful short films from around the world via Campfire.
So, I think our new plan for the winter season should be a really relaxing yet re-energising time for all of us.

Last night was Just Brass' end of term concert. Both girls performed solos this time. The Snork Maiden even had her own backing band.