Monday, June 27, 2011

June 20-26

I realize that I haven't posted many of H's maps from the MTWWA.. We were talking about it the other day and H has requested a break from the curriculum as she is finding it a bit too challenging and not really fun, especially the map drawings. I agree that some of them are difficult, even I find them hard at times, so we'll put it aside for a while (H recommends two years!). Here are the rest of her maps:
the Nile River



satellite image of Greece
I really think she's done well with these maps, but if it's not fun then there is no point in continuing with it now.
Fingers crossed that she'll be ready for it again next year. If not I might just draw all the maps myself because I think it's great!

We had a very social week this week with friends visiting, including a lovely 10 week old baby who is the latest addition to mother's group. We watched our friends perform in a french play of Snow White and also attended an entertaining performance of The Baron and the Widow by the Australian Ballet at the State Theatre.
The weekend  was spent at lunch with friends and then an attempted sleepover by the girls, but at 9pm we got the teary phone call to come pick them up.  To make up for that R suggested having a party on Sunday, so we all got up early, decorated the house with streamers, baked cupcakes, pancakes, pikelets, popcorn, got out the veges and dips, made juice and played pass the parcel and Chinese Whispers. Then we were given tickets to a Scout/Guide Gang Show for that afternoon which was brilliant and really was the icing on the party cake!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 12-19

We had a great day out with the family on Puffing Billy on Sunday. We awoke to fog and freezing temperatures but once out at Belgrave the sun came out and we had a brilliant trip.

At Lakeside we stopped for a picnic and a paddle on the lake. P broke the rules and crashed right into the bank on purpose, much to the horror of H and R.

Monday was a holiday (Happy Birthday Queenie!) so it was nice to have P home even though he spent most of the day writing reports.
Tuesday brought some visitors - the lovely I family - to have a quick lesson in body percussion in preparation for the MSO concert two days later. The concert was spectacular complete with hundreds of energetic and enthusiastic kids, as well as some dancing skeletons. H took some interesting pics:
Very excited girls

Cellists working hard
 After the concert we wandered the city for a while, sat in on a free lunchtime organ concert at St Michael's in Collins St, then rode a giant wombat in the city square before heading home.

On Friday P was home again to write more reports, but we all went out to the movies instead and saw Babies.  It is a fabulous film and was very educational for the girls too (social studies, geography, biology, psychology....), but mostly just alot of fun to watch.
We ended this week with more music - our band's Winter Favourites concert.  A huge selection of classical, modern, vaudeville and crowd pleasers made for a great concert.
R especially liked the fact that Handel's Water Music was composed for King George I, and  H loved everything except for the fact that neither Grandma, Oma or PranGran didn't win the raffle.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


H had a chemistry assignment to do this week. Pick an element, research and present it.