Saturday, November 16, 2013


This year we have experienced much loss. The deaths of Laura and Mary were quickly followed by the sudden decline of our beautiful Harris and then the very unexpected death of lovely bunny Nutmeg a week later.  We now have just three pets remaining - Sniff, Hazel and Cuddlepie.  Although they all showed signs of distress and loneliness at first they are now all quite content with being the only one of their kind. Sniff in particular is like a different dog; she is quiet, calm and more affectionate now that she's the top and only dog in the house.
Harris was our first dog child. She was smoochy, loving, daring, inquisitive, loyal, energetic, exhausting and patient. The support she offered me while I was in early labour with the Snork Maiden is something I will never forget and the way she gracefully accepted each new baby into the family was amazing.
Dr. P wrote a poem for Harris and I have compiled some photos of her from years past. There aren't nearly enough to show how beautiful she was, but as always, our best memories are in our hearts.

Harris and Sniff with their cousins Rodney and Reg


Our tweedy, wriggly Harris pup,
Tearing round with that crazy bum-scooting run,
Would be worn out yapping from the car window,
Or between swallow sprints lie panting, done.

At storms to bark, the horn to howl, the mower to yip.
To stalk dogs and possums, pigs and bunnies.
To bound recklessly into creeks,
Sport a torn ear, a swollen lip.

But she was a gentle soul, 
A purring dog with an ear-flapping head shake,
Who insistently nosed your elbow for a pat,
And lay dreaming with legs twitching and muffled yelps.

Dreaming of swallows.

Ballet photos 2013

Two months have flown by and I have so much to put on this blog that I don't know where to start!
I'll ease into it with a few photos of the girls in their ballet costumes. 
First up, Miss Moomintroll as one of the 12 Dancing Princesses attended by some Golden Nymphs.

And now Miss Snork Maiden as a dancer from Napoli, a gypsy, a bluebird and a contemporary person.