Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Venturing further afield

Yesterday the Snork Maiden started the first leg of her new journey and attended a pre-orientation day at our local high school. She was so nervous in the days leading up to it but as usual she rose to the challenge, mastered her fears and came out all smiles when Moomintroll and I arrived to pick her up. According to reports, everyone was lovely: the girls, the boys, and the teachers.  The woodwork teacher held them all in thrall as he manfully demonstrated how not to use the wood burning tool.
The science teacher had them experimenting in the lab with such rare and dangerous chemicals as vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. Amazing styrofoam block prints were artfully designed under the guidance of an art teacher and the day ended with a rousing game of general knowledge a la Million Dollar Minute, complete with nifty hand held devices.
The Snork Maiden is chomping at the bit to start school next year; it's really satisfying to see her so eager and keen to spread her wings. She's ready to move on to the next phase of her life and to see her embracing it with so much enthusiasm makes me so proud!

Someone who is not too happy about the thought of losing her favourite playmate, however, is Moomintroll.  She has absolutely zero desire to do anything remotely 'school' related, so yesterday while her sister enjoyed her day, Moomintroll and I went on our own adventure.  I devised a list and by incorporating her desire to 'just jump on a bus and see where it takes us', we embarked on our first photographic scavenger hunt.

Just to set the scene, this picture tells you where and which bus we took:

As I was enjoying the ride Moomintroll suddenly pressed the next stop button and we screeched to a halt. Our scavenger hunt began.

1. Something round

2. a tree from an interesting angle

3. your reflection

4. Eyes

5. a green car

6. wheels

7. an insect

8. a barcode

9. water

10. something peaceful

Then my camera suddenly ran out of battery, so I missed out on clouds, an animal and a 6 sided shape.  Kind Moomintroll took the last picture for me:

11. a 6 sided shape

I am linking up with Ready Rosie for The Scavenger Hunt Linkup.